In a show listed among Boston’s Best in 2013, Johnny Lee Davenport, Robert Pemberton, and Lindsay Crouse rehearse for Gloucester Stage’s production of Driving Miss Daisy by Alfred Uhry and directed by Benny Sato Ambush. (PHOTO: Gary Ng)
In their year-end reviews, three theatre critics listed Driving Miss Daisy among the best shows to see last year.
Jules Becker of Bay Windows wrote, “Lindsay Crouse brought feisty nobility to the evolving title Jewish widow and Johnny Lee Davenport luminous majesty to black chauffeur Hoke in Benny Ambush’s luxury drive revival” (December 26, 2013).
Thomas Garvey of The Hub Review wrote, “Yes, it is literally a vehicle, and yes, its political edge is sanded down to a smooth nub. But with Lindsay Crouse and Johnny Lee Davenport driving it (under the direction of Benny Sato Ambush) Miss Daisy remains reliably touching” (January 1, 2014). On November 25, 3013, Garvey honored the acting ensemble with one of his Fall Hubbies. In addition, Garvey’s year-end review commended Johnny’s Water by the Spoonful castmates, Theresa Nguyen and Mariela Lopez-Ponce for their individual performances.
Robert Israel of The Arts Fuse, whose original review appeared in EDGE Boston, wrote, “A pitchperfect production starring Lindsay Crouse, Johnny Lee Davenport and Robert Pemberton, directed by Benny Sato Ambush. Sometimes everything conspires to make a production work — and this was one shining example of excellence, without a wrinkle or an off note” (December 29, 2013).