Founders’ Theatre, Lenox, Mass.
July 18 – September 1, 2002

As the Constable, with Tony Simotes as Nym, Jason Asprey as Fluellen, and (front) Michael Toomey as Bardolph (PHOTO: Kevin Sprague)

As a horse with Jonathan Croy, carrying Susanna Apgar as Princess Catherine of France on horseback (PHOTO: Kevin Sprague)
Critical Response
“Johnny Lee Davenport, of the powerfully resonating voice and always superb Shakespearean line delivery, is memorable both as Exeter and the comic Constable.”
—Elyse Sommer, (July 2002)
“Johnny Lee Davenport has a wonderful voice that always delights. A tiny moment when he takes on the brief role of the Irish MacMorris and its challenge of, ‘What is my nation? . . . Who talks to me of my nation?’ has special resonance and briefly evokes the ethnic challenge Leopold Bloom faces in Ulysses. (Joyce, that prolific borrower, may indeed have intentionally borrowed it from Shakespeare.)”
—Frances Benn Hall, (July 27, 2002)