Power House Theatre
Walla Walla, Wash.
April 26 – May 6, 2012
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Dan McCleary
Role: Prospero

Consulting his magic book to remind Ariel (Caley Milliken) of the spell that released her from her captivity in a pine tree, imposed by Sycorax (PHOTO: Shakespeare Walla Walla)

As Prospero, conjuring the spirits in the audience to attend his daughter Miranda’s marriage to Ferdinand (PHOTO: Shakespeare Walla Walla)

Choosing to forgive his brother Antonio (Matthew Crewse) who betrayed him by masterminding his and Miranda’s exile (PHOTO: Shakespeare Walla Walla)

Granting his beloved Ariel (Caley Milliken) her desired freedom at last (PHOTO: Shakespeare Walla Walla)

Giving the epilogue on the Power House Theatre stage, Harry Hosey’s replica of the Blackfriars Theatre where Shakespeare and The King’s Men performed in 1608 (PHOTO: Shakespeare Walla Walla)
“If you’re looking for a little fun and culture this weekend check out the Shakespeare play The Tempest at the Powerhouse. I know some people who hear the name Shakespeare and they think of something that is old, stale and hard to understand, but the play was actually a lot of fun, vibrant and accessible. The play was nicely acted. I especially like the actor who played Prospero [Johnny Lee Davenport], whose vocal mannerism at times reminded me of Samuel Jackson, which helped make it feel a little more modern and accessible.”
—walla2confidential, Walla Walla Confidential Blog (May 3, 2012)
“This spring’s production of The Tempest was nothing short of magical. . . . The color-blind casting of [Johnny Lee Davenport’s] Prospero’s booming Darth Vader bass and commanding presence with his fair-haired daughter Miranda [Amelia Hammond] is a brilliant, modern touch. . . . All the characters in this remarkable acting troupe triumph on a stage bursting with “sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight, and hurt not.” Humanity’s nobler instincts triumph . . . Perhaps through experiences like this, we can reclaim a bit of ourselves in recognizing our all too frequently divided humanity.”
—Sandy Crawford, “Letter to the Editor,” Walla Walla Union-Bulletin (May 05, 2012)