Roxbury Center for Arts at Hibernian Hall, Roxbury, Mass.
May 14 – June 14, 2009

As Leonato, upon hearing Claudio publicly pronounce his daughter Hero a whore (PHOTO: Stratton McCrady)
Critical Response
“The cast do a heart-stopping job of swinging from the jolly fun of the first half of the play into the mortification that marks the latter acts; even Hero’s father, Leonato (Johnny Lee Davenport), turns against the falsely disgraced bride-not-to-be, crying out for her to die.”
—Killian Melloy, EDGE Boston (May 17, 2009)
“Johnny Lee Davenport is a stately, grizzled Leonato driven to impressive wrath when convinced his daughter is a slut.”
—Carolyn Clay, Boston Phoenix (May 20, 2009)
“Johnny Lee Davenport, one of the most experienced Shakespearean actors in the area, not only takes on the dignified governor, Leonato, but is also one of the clown-police officers who uncover Don John’s plot.”
—Iris Fanger, The Patriot Ledger (May 20, 2009)
“En route home after military victory, Don Pedro and his men visit Leonato, the governor of Messina, played regally by Johnny Lee Davenport.”
—Susan Saccoccia, The Bay State Banner (June 11, 2009)