Founders’ Theatre, Lenox, Mass.
July 18 – August 30, 2003

As a concerned Gloucester, looking on while Lear (Jonathan Epstein) ignores the wisdom of his Fool (Kevin Coleman) and endures his daughter Regan's (Elizabeth Aspenlieder's) insolence (PHTOTO: Kevin Sprague).

Blinded and wishing for death, as his loyal son Edgar (Jason Asprey) looks on (PHOTO: Kevin Sprague).
Critical Response
“Gloucester has an arc which seemed unproblematic: stuff happens to him that pushes him towards his fate; Johnny Lee Davenport handled the role with aplomb.”
—David Weinberger, Blogcritics Culture (July 30, 2003)
“Other standouts in the cast include . . . Johnny Lee Davenport as the faithful Gloucester.”
—Michael Eck, Times Union (August 4, 2003)
“Packer sees Lear’s kingdom as a man’s world, distinguished in her production by the performances of the male actors, especially Johnny Lee Davenport as the nobler Gloucester.”
—Iris Fanger, The Patriot Ledger (August 7, 2003)
“And at Dover, where the beatifically addled, newly wise Lear is reunited with blinded failed suicide Gloucester (in Johnny Lee Davenport a figure grizzled but imposing, far from his dotage), the production regains its propulsion.”
—Carolyn Clay, Providence Phoenix (August 8–14, 2003)