Tina Packer Playhouse
70 Kemble St., Lenox, Mass.
August 1 – August 31, 2014
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Jonathan Epstein
Roles: Owain Glyndwr and Poins

As part of Hotspur’s rebellion, wielding his staff against Henry IV (Jonathan Epstein) as Prince Hal (Henry Clarke) stops him (PHOTO: Kevin Sprague).

As Poins, a thief (and, in this production, a spy), threatening Sir John Falstaff (Malcolm Ingram) as Peter (Alexander Sovronsky), Francis (Benjamin Epstein), Mistress Fang (Tori Grace) and Bardolf (Michael Toomey) look on (PHOTO: Kevin Sprague)
Critical Response
“Johnny Lee Davenport also gets to shake out his formidable chops as he shifts between the low-class, scheming Poins and the war-mad Owain Glyndwr.”
—B.A. Nilson, Metroland (August 14, 2014)
“Other standouts included the always reliable Johnny Lee Davenport who filled the role of Poins with intelligence and dignity, even when playing nasty tricks on the unaware Falstaff, and who, in spite of being a spy, was determinedly loyal in looking out for the young Prince’s best interests. He later plays the wild Welsh tribal leader Owain Glyndwr as a mass of unrelenting rage and keen resentment.”
—Andrew Beck, The Springfield Examiner (August 15, 2014)
“Johnny Lee Davenport is excellent in both of his roles.”
—J. Peter Bergman, The Berkshire Edge (August 18, 2014)
“Glyndwr was richly played by Johnny Lee Davenport, and the Welsh song (part of his heritage) was gently and searingly performed by Tori Grace and Alexander Sovronsky.”
—Keith Kibler, Berkshire Review for the Arts (September 9, 2014)