Founders’ Theatre, Lenox, Mass.
June 12 – August 31, 2002

As one of the Spirits from the Other World (far right), tormenting Dan McCleary as Macbeth (PHOTO: Kevin Sprague)
Critical Response
“With only eight actors to carry the weight of so many parts, there’s also no room for hit and miss performances. Johnny Lee Davenport, whose rich Shakespearean voice and line delivery has enhanced past productions, is one such consistent performer.”
—Elyse Sommer, (June 2002)
“The small cast of eight, playing more than thirty roles, performed with gusto, dedication, and at times were very moving. Johnny Lee Davenport and Judith McSpadden spoke and moved beautifully in all situations; Davenport was an especially effective Banquo.”
—Frances Benn Hall, Berkshire Theatre Reviews (June 19, 2002)
“The other actors are so strong—particularly Michael Hammond, Jason Asprey, and Johnny Lee Davenport.”
—Ed Siegel, Boston Globe (June 26, 2002)
“Macbeth and Johnny Lee Davenport‘s admirable Banquo are as comfortably at ease with each other post battle as victorious jocks after a Homecoming game. Then comes the Weird prophecy—not from three particular sisters, here—which implies that Banquo’s issue may be the ultimate winners in the Kingship stakes. Macbeth’s body language betrays the change that has come over him. He tries to fake that comradely ease again, but something about his manly embrace sends a chill through Banquo. Davenport’s richly transparent good guy of a Banquo is suddenly as alert as a point man on patrol, even while responding to his buddy in a way which he hopes will pass for his former openness.”
—G.L. Horton, Aisle Say Boston (July 2002)
“Packer and her most talented cast have gone out on a limb and are sawing through it near the trunk every time they go on stage. Their names are Johnny Lee Davenport, Jennie Israel, Judith McSpadden, Jason Asprey, Carolyn Roberts, Dan McCleary, Henry David Clarke and Michael Hammond.”
—Milton Bass, Berkshires Week (July 11, 2002)