Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, Conn.
February 13 – March 13, 2004

As Kent, advising King Lear (Avery Brooks) not to disown his daughter Cordelia (Roslyn Ruff) while her future husband, France (Wiley Moore), also protects her (PHOTO: Joan Marcus)

As Kent, advising King Lear (Avery Brooks) not to disown his daughter Cordelia (Roslyn Ruff) while her future husband, France (Wiley Moore), also protects her (PHOTO: Joan Marcus)

Seeking shelter from the elements, with Edgar (Justin Emeka), Lear (Avery Brooks), and Gloucester (Charles Turner) (PHOTO: Joan Marcus)
Critical Response
“There is solid and sober work from Johnny Lee Davenport as the steadfast Kent.”
—Malcolm Johnson, Special to The Hartford Courant (February 21, 2004)
“Johnny Lee Davenport, Che Ayende, Charles Turner and Roslyn Ruff are fine as Kent, Oswald, Gloucester and Cordelia, respectively.”
—Frank Rizzo, Variety (February 24, 2004)
“Johnny Lee Davenport gives Kent a rooted depth, despite the limitations of the restrained role; in him, the audience can see how craft can make flash unnecessary.”
—David DeWitt, The New York Times (February 29, 2004)
“Johnny Lee Davenport seems born to play Kent. Like Brooks, he is a physically and vocally dominating figure. Not only is his Kent the dutiful servant to the king, but his love for Lear, for Lear’s discarded youngest daughter Cordelia (the graceful Roslyn Ruff) and for justice is unimpeachable.”
—Blueberry Pond Theatre Ensemble, News/Press Page (2004)